questions & answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick answers to common queries in our FAQs.

What is Accelera, and how can it benefit my financial institution?

Accelera is a comprehensive fintech solutions provider offering products to streamline financial operations. Our suite covers ISO 20022 compliance, payment processing, core banking integration and AI automation. Partnering with Accelera enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and delivers superior customer experiences.

How does Accelera ensure the security and reliability of its solutions?

Security and reliability are top priorities at Accelera. We employ industry-leading measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular audits, to protect data and transactions. Our robust, high-performance infrastructure ensures 99.99% uptime, allowing you to focus on your core business without worrying about system disruptions.

Can Accelera's solutions integrate with my existing technology stack?

Yes, Accelera's solutions are designed for seamless integration with your existing technology stack. Our flexible APIs and extensive library of integrations enable connection with your core banking systems, payment service providers, and third-party applications. Our experienced team ensures a smooth and efficient implementation process.

How can Accelera's AI and machine learning capabilities benefit my financial institution?

Accelera's product suite harnesses AI and machine learning to automate and optimize end to end payment operations. Our AI-powered solutions streamline payment processes and improve straight-through processing rates. By leveraging AI and machine learning, you can reduce manual intervention, minimize errors, and make data-driven decisions.

What level of customer support does Accelera provide?

At Accelera, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer support. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 via phone, email, and live chat to assist with any questions or issues. Our comprehensive knowledge base and regular training sessions help you get the most out of our solutions.

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